Revive Physio Clinic Physiotherapy Service


We can help you with …

  • Pain management: Reduce pain caused by various conditions such as musculoskeletal injuries, back pain, and arthritis

  • Injury prevention: Assess your posture and movement patterns to identify areas that may be at risk for injury and develop plan to strengthen these areas

  • Rehabilitation after surgery or injury: We help to restore mobility, strength, and function

  • Improved sports performance: Customized training program that includes exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and agility

  • Overall Wellness: Developing customized exercise program to improve overall health condition

Revive Physio Private Pilates Services

Private Pilates

We can help you with

  • Personalized attention: 1-on-1 attention with a certified Pilates instructor who can develop a customized program based on your goals

  • Faster progress: More effectiveness in achieving your health goals

  • Injury prevention and recovery: Tailored treatment plan that includes exercises and stretches to address imbalances and weaknesses

  • Improved core strength and stability: Improve overall stability, posture, and balance

  • Increased flexibility and range of motion: Improved athletic performance, reduced risk of injury, and improved overall physical health

We offer 4 Private Pilates Services

  • Pregnancy Pilates

    Private Pilates session tailor made for pregnancy.

    Suitable for pregnancy during 2nd and 3rd trimester.

  • Elderly Pilates

    Private Pilates low impact session tailor made for the elderly.

    Suitable for people who have limited mobility or joint pain due to aging.

  • Rehabilitation Pilates

    Private Pilate session tailor made to help you heal and return to balance.

    Suitable for problems including scoliosis, post-surgery rehab, joint rehab, chronic pain management.

  • Duo Pilates

    The more the merrier. We offer Duo Private Pilates session.

    Suitable for people who wants to bring family or friend to workout together.